Maria Corley
Daniel Montoya
2023 Servetrain Graduates

Protect your business from liability

The responsible service and sale of alcohol is critical to your bottom line

Do you have an alcohol sales license for your establishment?  Is your staff properly trained to serve alcohol in a legal and responsible manner?  Do you need a one stop training solution?

Servetrain has over 50+ years of experience in Alcohol Beverage Service Training

A group of people at a bar engaged in responsible beverage service conversation.

See what Servetrain can do for your organization

  • Establish the highest quality consistent training for servers and managers of alcohol.

  • Create a database tracking system to report violations that occur at the workplace.

  • Allow all qualified owners and managers of liquor licenses to search and report to the database tracking system and review potential employee records to weed out habitual violators.
An online training course featuring a glass of wine adorned with a laurel wreath.

Alcohol Service Industry News

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